Research Papers

37. Innovation in Indigenous Tourism: lessons from En ooru Tribal heritage village Wayanad, Kerala, (Co-author: Vimal V), International Journal of Research Grantalaalayah, Vol.12 (3), March 2024.

36. Institutional Interventions and Economic Viability of Natural Rubber Cultivation in Kerala, (Co-author: Sandhya. P, Syam Santhosh), Al-Shodhana, Vol.11 (1), January 2023. ISSN No.2320-6292.

35. Empowering Tribal Education in India: Understanding the impact of National Education Policy 2020, (Co-author: Sandhya. P, Vimal V), Social Action, Vol.73 (3), July –September 2023. ISSN No.0037- 7627.

34. Housing for Homeless People: Lessons from Livelihood Inclusion and Financial Empowerment (LIFE) Mission in Kerala State, (Co-author: Vimal V), Aarthika Charche – FPI Journal of Economics & Governance, Vol.8 (1), January –June 2023. ISSN No.2455- 6483.

33. Sustainable development Goals and Pandemic of Inequality: A Serious Concern, (Co-author: Sandhya. P), Third Concept: An International Journal of Ideas, Vol.35 (413), July 2021. ISSN No.0970 – 7247.

32. Agriculture, Food Systems and Nutrition Security under Covid-19 Crisis in India: Need for Public Policy Interventions, (Co-author: Jipson V Paul, Sandhya. P), Wesleyan Journal of Research, June, 2021, Vol. 31(1). ISSN No: 0975-1386.

31. Paradigm shift from MDGs to SDGs: Evidence from Indian Development Experience, (Co-author: Sandhya. P), Al-Shodhana, Vol.8 (1), January 2020. ISSN No.2320-6292.

30. Why India fails in Child Malnutrition: An Exploratory Analysis, (Co-author: Sandhya. P), International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews (IJRAR), April 2020, Vol. 7, Issue 2, PP.30-36. E-ISSN 2348-1269, P- ISSN No. 2349-5138.

29. Transition from millennium development goals to sustainable development goals: a close scrutiny from India, (Co-author: Sandhya. P), International Journal of Research -Granthaalayah, May 2020, Vol. 8(05), pp. 78 – 88. ISSN No: 2350-0530.

28. Enhancing Sustainable Development through Gender Equality: Evidence from India, (Co-author: Sandhya. P), Purakala Journal, Vol-31-Issue-15-April-2020, pp. 736-737. ISSN No: 0971-2143

27. Nutrition Strategies in India: Way from impoverishment to nourishment, (Co-author: Sandhya. P), Journal of composition theory, Volume.13, Issue 4, April 2020, pp.374-382. ISSN No: 0731-6755

26. Multidimensional Approach on Human Deprivation: Evidence from Rural households in Kerala, (Co-author: Syam Santhosh), International Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Research, Volume 7, Issue 5 -2020, pp. 1-9. ISSN No: 2393-8870.

25. Roadmap for the Attainment of Sustainable Development Goals: Past lessons from Millennium Development Goals in India, (Co-author: Sandhya. P), Aegaeum Journal, Volume 8, Issue 5, 2020, pp. 731 -740. ISSN No: 0776-3808.

24. Urbanization and its impact on the pattern of Consumption: Evidence from Kerala, (Co-author: Prajitha P), International Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Research, Vol.7 (8), pp. 8-13. ISSN No: 2393-8870.

23. Status of Informal Employment and Problems of Informal Women Workers in India, (Co-author: Tessymol George), International Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Research, Vol.7 (8), pp. 14-19. ISSN No: 2393-8870.

22. Role of local governance during the covid-19 pandemic: evidence from kerala experience, (Co-author: Vimal V), International Journal of Research -GRANTHAALAYAH, August 2020, Vol. 8(05), pp.319-327. ISSN No: 2350-0530.

21. Post-floods Scenario of Kerala: Need for an Agenda of Green future, (Co-author: Jipson V Paul), Journal of composition theory, Vol.12, Issue.11, November 2019, pp. 119-127. ISSN No. 0731-6755.

20. Social Safety Nets for Vulnerable Groups in India: Need for a paradigm shift, (Co-author: Jipson V Paul), Edu World, Vol. 12(3), April 2018.

19. Public debt and Economic growth: Indian Experience, (Co-author: Santhosh Kumar P K), The Empirical Economics Letters, Vol.16, Issue No.12, December 2017. ISSN No.1681 8997.

18. Rural-urban divide of poverty: prerequisite for inclusive growth strategies in India, (Co-author: Sandhya P), Amal International Journal of Economics & Social Sciences, AMAL-IJESSS (ISSN No. 2395-4913), Vol.2, Issue No.2, December 2016.

17. Impact of climate change on human development in India: Identifying links and need for adaptation strategies, Artha Journal of Social sciences, Vol.14 (4), (ISSN No.0975-329X), 2015.

16. Environmental perils of climate change in India: urgency of adaptation and mitigation strategies, Journal of Economic and Social Development (ISSN No. 0973 – 886X), Vol. – XI, No. 2, December 2015.

15. Malnutrition among Preschool Children in Kerala: Need for Paradigm Shift, International Journal of Public Health Research and Management, (ISSN No.2319-5509), Vol. 2(1), pp.7–14, 2015.

14. New directions and future concerns of Indian cooperative sector: A Review, Journal of Development Research (ISSN No.2229-7561), September 2015.

13. Right based perspectives of Child health and nutrition: the Kerala experience, The Asian Economic Review, (ISSN No.00004-4555) Vol.57, no.1, pp. 53-67, march 2015.

12. Undernourished Children and Progress of Millennium Development Goals in India: Time for a Rethink?, (Co-author: Sandhya P), Economic Affairs, Quarterly Journal of Economics, (ISSN No. 0424-2513),vol. 58(5): 325- Special Issue, 2013.

11. Adaptation and mitigation strategies of climate change: a serious concern, (Co-author: Sandhya P), Yojana Web Exclusives, 01 July 2013.

10. Strategies of financial inclusion lifecycle in India, Southern Economist (ISSN No.0038-4046), Vol.51, No.19, 1 February 2013.

9. Climate change and human development: A pragmatic approach, (Co-author: Sandhya. P), Social Action Journal (ISSN No.0037-7627). October-December 2012.

8. Progress of SHG-Bank Linkages in India: An Assessment of Key Issues, (Co-author: Sandhya. P), Economic Affairs, Quarterly Journal of Economics, (ISSN No. 0424-2513), Vol.57, No.3, September 2012.

7. Health and nutritional status of Children: Kerala’s record and its lessons, (Co-author: Sandhya. P), PRAGATI, Quarterly Research Journal, (ISSN No.0975-377X), issue No.120, april-june 2012, pp.46-57.

6. Linkages between Climate change and Human health: Need for an Action, (Co-author: Sandhya. P), Economic Affairs, Quarterly Journal of Economics, (ISSN No. 0424-2513), Vol.56, No.1, March 2011.

5. Children and millennium development goals in India, Third concept: International Journal of Ideas, vol.24, no.284, pp 25-28, (ISSN No.0970-7247), October 2010

4. Impact of climate change on human health in India: identifying links and need for adaptation strategies, (Co-author: Sandhya. P), PRAGATI, Quarterly Research Journal (ISSN No.0975-377X), Vol.4 (113), july-september 2010, pp.27-37.

3. Infrastructure development in India: current issues and future options, Southern Economist, vol.49, no.7, pp.9-12, (ISSN No.0038-4046), August 2010.

2. Nutritional status of preschool children: the problem and possible interventions, (Co-author: K Gangadharan), Journal of Human Development, vol.2 no.1, pp. 63-78, (ISSN No. 0975-8119), January-June 2010.

1. Nutritional deprivation among Indian children: distributional profile and implications, (Co-author: K Gangadharan), Institute for Research in Social Sciences and Humanities (IRISH), Vol.3 no.1, pp. 85-97, (ISSN No.0973-3353), January-June 2008.